The Diderot brand was created in 2005 , when the different was still not accepted in Bulgaria. Diderot's handwriting is Diana Kaneva - creator and designer of the brand. From an early age, Diana has a provocative way of expressing herself and demonstrates it through her clothes, undoubtedly with a love for creativity, inherited from her grandfather - a teacher and lecturer in shoe design and modeling. She still remembers the scent of leather and textiles in his home, as well as his anatomical sketches and drawings. At that time, her mother dressed her at a tailor-masters, but little Diana childishly tried to explain to them that she wanted a belt three times wider on the waist, on the trousers or something else. The answer was: "According to the standard it is not possible" . Later, when she graduated from a school of construction and modeling, she herself took the helm of non-standard design, did not meet with approval, but this did not break her rebellious spirit - evident in the spirit of Diderot.

"The world needs fantasy and extravagance!" - Diana's categorical motto since she was 21 years old. So to this day, she works diligently with a team of specialists in a fluid feminine way. Over the years, he participated in performances and revues, pursued his childhood dream without missing the reality of everyday life. She graduated from "Costume and Fashion" at an art academy in the city of Plovdiv, and at the same time she studied body psychotherapy - new German medicine, art therapy and was fascinated by Eastern philosophy and sports as a former track and field athlete. And all this because he is looking for the truth and finds the meaning in the overall picture of life. He likes to draw and sometimes just do nothing.

Wife, mother, daughter and dreamer.